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Maria Montessori
Dr. Maria Montessori is the founder of the Montessori method of education. She started her first classroom “Casa dei Bambini” or Children’s House in 1907.

La pédagogie Montessori a été fondée par le Docteur Maria Montessori lors de la création de sa première « Maison des Enfants » (Casa dei Bambini) en 1907.

“Our care of the child should be governed, not by the desire to make him learn things, but by the endeavor always to keep burning within him that light which is called intelligence.”

This week with us,

The first Carrots of the year!!

After beautiful rainy days the time has come to get them out!  The carrots came out very big and brought many smiles to all. 

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Schooling Program
Programme Scolaire

The program strictly follows the Montessori 3 years age grouping with the correspondent material and the in depth education that the Montessori system requires. 

Notre programme suit strictement la pédagogie Montessori regroupant les enfants par tranches de 3 ans. Nous utilisons le matériel adéquat et nous suivons les principes requis par la pédagogie Montessori.

Meet our staff
Nos enseignants

Our enthusiastic, loving  and patient staff are  trained to prepare and guide your children towards a better and wholesome  future.   

Enthousiastes, aimants et patients, nos enseignants sont formés et préparés afin d’accompagner vos enfants dans un avenir plus sain. 

Contact us

Avenu Sandoa 5




+243 (0)81 3912945

About us 
Qui sommes nous

IMA is the first Montessori Academy in the Katanga Province with the main goal to spread this educational method to as many children possible.

IMA est la première Académie Montessori de la Province du Haut-Katanga dont l’objectif est de dispenser la pédagogie au plus grand nombre d’enfants.


Our training program is open to all teachers willing and open to embrace the Montessori philosophy.  Our training includes material and online support system that will lead you to a successful future in this field.




"Montessori at home" is one of the most important aspects in the life of a Montessori child.
We organize conferences and workshops as well as one on one meetings to inform and act as a support team towards helping the child transfer between school and home in a focused way.
This training is open to those who are interested in opening a Montessori school and have done the educators' training with us already.
We will give you all the tools you will need to open and manage your school as well as do a regular followup.
This training is offered to existing school that want to transition into or to upgrade into a purer form of Montessori.
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